I Am Erich Kästner: A Time Traveling Adventure

A musical fantasy fictional film based on the life of German Author and poet Erich Kästner. The film is based on the book, by Aaron Pacentine.

First of all

A Unique Storyline As We Travel Through Time

What does a Ghost, a Graveyard, and Graceland have in common?

With a blend of live action and animation, I Am Erich Kästner: A Time Traveling Adventure offers a unique and captivating storyline that takes the audience on a journey through time.

Not to mention

Cast and Crew

The film has a talented cast and crew, including award-winning actors and experienced award winning producer/filmmaker Aaron Pacentine who brings this creative production to life.

We have an amazing cast bringing the charecters of Erich to life.

And let's not forget

A Memorable Soundtrack

The musical aspect of the film is a standout feature, with an original soundtrack that complements the story and adds another layer of emotion and depth to the film.


Family Films Productions

We are Family FIlms Productions a team of filmmakers including Aaron Pacentine, and Landon Parks. We are dedicated to bringing the story of Erich Kästner to life in a unique and captivating way. With a focus on quality and creativity, and a storyline woven through time and space we strive to create a memorable and immersive experience for our audiences.

Join us on this time-traveling adventure and experience the magic of Erich Kästner's world.

Get in touch

If you would like to arrange to show "I Am Erich" or arrange a public apperance.